

Now PlayinG
.: F.I.R. 三个心愿 :.


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FeNg LiNg
Lay LeNg
Wei Lan
Yong Seng
langkawi trip
The Book Bitches


Sunday, October 29, 2006

went for a discussion meeting in clementi with my bro. leng, timmy and cannie were there as well. leng gave me a gongyo book and really nice beads. haha pardon me for sounding as if it were an accessory, but i will treasure it leng! as wad i've said, i'll bring it out the nx time and use it in front of u. hahaha. ah cheng said that leng has a motive for doing so and welcome me to their world. ahahaha i think u gotta wait for some time dude.

din dare to tell my parents where we were and wad were we doing. they're die-hard taoists but never once did they ever force us to learn their way of praying and religious ceremonies. the most they'll expect us to continue the line and not disappoint them in their beliefs. i'll see how things go..

things din go too well at work. quite upset actually. but still i managed to pull through - for the moment. been looking burnt out at work recently, tt shuyi has been asking whether is there something wrong with me. sometimes work is simply tiring. it's half-work-half-entertaining that kinda affair. i always tot that i can be on good terms with colleagues from my department as it's a all-female envt and i am more at ease with female colleagues all round the office. but sometimes my blurness may nearly cost me the harmonious relationship with one. she may not mean it la, as one has explained to me that her pattern is as such and asked me not to take it to heart. i've resisted such thoughts for a few weeks, until i reli feel tired of being treated like this. now i've quietened down at work. i seriously dun feel like talking or entertaining anymore.

ahhh rather confused lately. a colleague has been asking if im interested in sales & mkting, but tt would mean sidetracking from wad i've learnt at sch and from wad i am interested in. but then again, i'm seriously having 2nd thoughts in continuing with my line coz i reli dunno wad shld i do.

told meizhen about my regret in poly. about something i've done that i suddenly realised tt it was terribly wrong. i thought i would nv regret it in the past. i tot that i did the right thing. but i guess wadever i've said then was an excuse to make up for my inferiority, to escape from all the discomfort and hardship. i feel like smacking myself for that, but that would do me no good since i can't turn back time.

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 3:59 AM

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Monday, October 23, 2006

one of the guy wore a inflatable swimming trunk - it flares once he got in the water. wad a sight lol!

the "sexy" guy holding the ball nearly made me puke my icecream out.

Our big butts

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 3:11 AM

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[::..ECP with ai ai, honey and ping er..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:57 AM

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[::..Love story in Harvard..::]

Kim Rae Won. OOOOH

Kim Tae Hee. Isn't she gorgeous?

My new addiction.

I'm gonna sound like some pervert if i start fawning over her again.


The drama's great! though i haven finish it. I bet it'll be another nice one after my craze for Full House. Princess Hours would be the next on my list. been watching shows like mad on wkends. how nice to slack my days away like that! haha

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:49 AM

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[::..swimming in the shallow waters..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:38 AM

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[ toyrus..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:24 AM

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[::..Romantic us..::]

Missing legs.

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:23 AM

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[::..Koroppo-like food as the prop..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:22 AM

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[::..My girlssss..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 2:19 AM

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[::..Janice & Ping's dinner..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:56 AM

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[::..ting's laksa..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:55 AM

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[ Tom Yum Fish with Glass noodles..::]

not very appetizing, but i love the glass noodles!

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:49 AM

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[::..Thai express. not paiseh to say tt it was my 1st visit...::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:46 AM

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[::..Candy Empire!..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:45 AM

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[::..Vivo City again..::]

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:44 AM

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[::..Vivo City..::]

we ain't any least bit paiseh to pose in front of sooo many passers-by

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:43 AM

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it's here again.....

i know it's gonna be alright....

but why can't it leave me alone?
ade.. jiu ming ah...........


i reli wanna get out of singapore. be it to study or to work. not an attempt to prove my independence or any sort. it's what i really wanted all along... or is it not? i dunno la. life is so short. i wanna do as many things as i could while i'm still young, dun wanna have any more regrets in my life. but of coz, within my limits. i'm not trying to complain here. nothing ever beats the feeling of contentment im feeling for the way life is now, but sometimes i just feel sick for not being able to do things my way. life's such huh?

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 1:13 AM

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

back from hotpot session at xian de lai. so sooo full! but we din eat tt much despite it's a buffet. quite a waste of money actually, but finally i get to taste some edible ma la hotpot. yaoyao was so down, i felt so guilty for rejecting her pleas for me to join her and prissy at clubbing. kinda regret it, knowing wad has happened to her now. n i could hv made frenz from HK and those working in the different airlines. haha

Yay with all the confirmations done, i'll only have to wait till the date comes! though there's just the two of us back there, i don't mind a single tad as it is my land of happiness (other than Japan, that is). the timing we've got isn't as good as my previous visit, in fact it sux to the core. but oh well, anything's fine for a short trip.

been discussing with ade abt unswsia and its courses. oh gosh their fees are so costly! it's definitely not worth it for a pte degree, no matter how recognised the cert is. reli dunno wad to do with our lives. PT studying is the only way to get on with my life, i know it deep in my heart. but that requires so much self-discipline and energy after work, something that i lack for the former and probably even the latter once i get a perm job that needs my full commitment for it. wadever, come wad may. i'm sure i can obtain something i want if im determined enough. since others can do it, why can't i?

oh.. pending mahjong sessions on next mon and sat. hohoho.. after a long day at work on Monday Black, it'll be MJ for the whole night. and we can all rest at home till late noon on the nx day as IT IS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY! so darn happy!

but i'm not happy now, just quarrelled with my dad. i wonder why he can't seem to talk to me nicely. maybe im the one who's not that affectionate as the "perfect daughter" that we always see on the tv. but anyway, things he say drip heavily with sarcasm whether or not he meant it. simply makes my blood boils when im sitting there all quiet and innocent, but get accused of things that u are saying when it has nv came across my mind that way. if u think u noe me to this extent that u can read my mind, you might as well dun talk or dun ask me. come on la. it sounds juz like PMS can. or maybe menopause for him. aiya wadever.

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 12:20 AM

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

the haze is back! i was in suntec last night with lina, kane and pris. was amazed when it was hazey even within the interiors of the shopping centres. i could still remember that one night (prob in '97) when i could detect wisps of burning air in the middle of the night. i was happily wishing that sch would be called off the next day or something, but of coz, it din happen. i hate the haze. it never fails to make me cough like crazy whenever my immune system gets a lil out of order.

it was pris' last day with us yday. but she'll still be in raffles place, so we can still meet up for lunch or dinner, with me being the late one! i feel so guilty that they always gotta wait for me during lunch time and starve their poor tummies. whenever i told them i don't have many things to handle n can go off for lunch early or some sort, i always ended up stuck at my desk, following up with urgent cases. it wun hurt to be pantan a lil, i shall stop spouting things like that n it may save me from a hectic day. haha

a 2nd fire drill i have encountered in the same building on wed, and this time round, w/o any notices to us in advance. so, many of my colleagues had to walk down 25 or 27 storeys in their heels. luckily i was in the mood for flats that day, so my thighs were saved from the aches and all! the worst part was, those big shots would walk around, checking that everyone's gone - except for poor lina who has to be at the counter for walk-in customers or to pick up the hotline (or shld i say, lucky in this case) and some other people who are handling urgent matters. maybe i shld hide in the toilet whenever it happens again, but then again, it could be a well-deserved coffee break since it was held at 4+pm. i reli think it's quite bo liao la. i wasnt even in time to close the hk market and we gotta go. and then again, my colleague had to do help me with the closing stuff. LY's so poor thing, having to help out joyce and me. i think she could be the busiest among us. haha

met up hweesun, huishan and timmy for ktv on thurs. shan's zav came along after tim left, so sun and i continued singing and allowed the both of them to tian mi mi in one corner. haha but im kinda sick again and can't sing much that day. oh well, there'll be a next time!

ok.. time for shopping with ai ai~

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 12:46 PM

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006


today was totally hellish for me.

i met ting for some breakfast, and reached my office half an hour earlier than needed. I thought i could clear up my morning routine by 9am, but unexpected things cock up and i finish them even later than usual.

messed up with the back office again! forgot to send this and that, or faxed things tt shldnt be faxed to them. aiyaaaaaa im dying man!!!! i need more slp! i swear never to repeat those mistakes again!!

i was alone in my office and left super late, wanted to catch a cab back since transportation is free after 9, but THERE WERE NO CABS!!!! irritating cab uncles, always appearing whenever you don't need them and performing their disappearing acts whenever we desperately needed one. i called for cabs but no one HIEW me! i could have reached home half an hour earlier by taking the train if i din waste my time waiting. i think my body's gonna break soon. my ankle's hurting, my back's aching, my feet hurts... AS USUAL.

ahaha received a surprise mail from our german counterpart who's currently studying in england for his MBA. he asked me whether im still going france for my studies, which is a big nono now. he advised me to convince my dad to let me study elsewhere other than SG, but that's so hard la, considering the expenses and my limitations. to be frank, he's quite shuai la. haha charismatic i shld say.

my email system works just like msn messenger, provided that im not bz at the moment upon receipt of the mail. it's always a stress-reliever to be able to chat with frenz or colleagues during work to ease up all the tension. i can be seen floating around on the 25th to different offices to chat with people while i print my information from the systems. whahaa i think i just need to talk, all of them are complaining that im the noisiest contract staff they have seen. haha

my trader's dad passed away yesterday after a fall, and my ex-clsmate's dad passed away few days ago too. ahhhh so sad for them, especially for my fren, but there's nothing i can do. life is so unpredictable, one could lose something or someone overnight. cherish life and appreciate things and people around us! things that i often overlook now seem so significant to me, time and friends are so precious to me now. even if it's just a stroll back home, or a relaxing day out, it could be the greatest pleasure compared to the hours i've slogged at work. i don't mind nua-ing at home too, but it would be so wasted since my only time left in a week are the weekends.

sleeping time!

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 10:41 PM

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Sunday, October 01, 2006

[::..The Forbidden City vs Full House..::]

my money wasn't wasted! Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress was well played. i was kinda overwhelmed by how well they performed, quite impressive. kit chan is reli our national treasure! 雪狼湖 was great too, with both evonne hsu and kit chan's singing, wad more could the audience ask for?

ahhh.. i watched full house again. it's a good thing with having SCV, coz they usually repeat shows that are real good. it brings back memories. i felt so saddened for han zhi en, with how she had to endure all the pain. but this show is reli nice and sweet! funny but sad sometimes, and i wouldnt mind watching it a thousand times over.

blading tml morning, yet im still wide awake. im gonna be so dead tml!

<__i'm // who i am* . > - 3:04 AM

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